Will France plays Eighty Six Outlaws Yacht Club

January is traditionally the month when the people who pack the bars in December and make your life a misery, stay in. Perfect!   

So to start the year at our favourite bar, we've got the man who's been giving our tastebuds a treat for many years. 

Will France is probably responsible for our love of strong IPA's as we first met him when he worked in Common. He then went on to help open and manage Port Street Beer House, The Beagle and Indy Man Beer Convention before moving to Yorkshire and becoming the brewer at Summer Wine.  He's now involved with an exciting new brewing venture, Cloudwater Brewing Co. 

It's fair to say he's killed a few of our brain cells and if you heard him as the guest present our show last year,  you'll know his ear for a good tune is as good as his taste for what makes a good beer. 

Come on down and join us at the Yacht Club this Friday (16th), music starts from 5pm and it's also 2-4-1 on cocktails all night! Perfect really. 

You can listen again to Will on our radio show here  

Eighty Six with Will France
16th January 2015
Outlaws Yacht Club
New York Street
More detail
