Gezellig presents Torn Sail with Eighty Six

This coming Sunday night (26th October) Jeffo and TC will be heading over the Pennines to Hebden Bridge. You can catch us at Infolk the arts and entrainment space in Machpelah Mill where we'll be playing a few records alongside are friends Jimmy & Julia from Gezellig and there's live music from Claremont 56 recording artists Torn Sail.

We've been big fans of the group since Moonboots exclusively played 'Birds' on our show back in 2011.  The sleeve designs for Birds and their follow up single Treasure were designed by the very talented Emily Warrington the wife of Mark Warrington who was the guest on our last show. 

If you fancy joining us the gig has been arranged around train friendly times and it's perfect if you fancy an afternoon out in the countryside.  Trains from Manchester Victoria run at twenty to hour and take around 40 minutes. Trains from Leeds station run at 10 to and 10 past the hour. The last train home departs Hebden for Manchester at 22.26 and Leeds at 22.54. The venue is next to the station.   

We're really looking forward to this as Jeff saw Torn Sail play at the legendary Claremont 56 forest party and says we're all in for a treat. 

Set timings: 
Gezellig opening
7-9pm  Eighty Six
9-10pm Torn Sail
Gezellig closing

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