Radio Show News

Sorry it's been so long since we posted up anything up on here, I thought I'd better fill you in with what we've been up to.

If you follow our podcasts or live in the Manchester area you may know we're been broadcasting on Unity Radio 92.8FM for the last few weeks. The station official launch is at 9.28 on Friday December 10th and as a specialist show we've been given the opportunity to broadcast on Sundays' between 1-3pm. Call it a pre-launch warm up if you like. Anyway, it's a big step for us with new equipment, show plans, regular meetings and training sessions all talking up our free time. If you fancy listening to these practice shows (remember, they are just that) they're here as Podcasts.

There are more changes planned to the studio set up, (which will hopefully improve our show even more), once these are done and we're comfortable, we've got some cracking guests lined up. Stick with us it'll be worth the wait.
